The text recited is based on the experience of moments of total clarity, and the challenge of managing to keep this focus for a long time. As an extension of the text, the actual recording situation requires that the person performing is demanding to stay focused both in herself and in relation to the camera. A small tilt out of position and the whole picture is out of focus. By intensely reciting the text, - pieced up, fragmented and distorted, it points to an underlying discomfort. At the same time, the focus of the viewer is challenged in her attempt to create a logical context.
Text recited (Norwegian):
Noen ganger, er det som om alt står helt klart og tydelig.
Det er ingen tvil. Alt skinner.
Likevel kommer det en tid hvor tvilen igjen sniker seg frem.
Det mest krevende er å stå stille. Holde fokus.
English translation:
Sometimes, everything seems crystal clear.
There is no doubt. Everything is shining.
Still there comes a time with a lingering doubt.
The most difficult thing is to stand still. Keep focused.